


Лицензия на осуществление деятельности по производству и техническому обслуживанию медицинской техники

License for accommodation, technical maintenance of the sources of ionizing radiation (generating), maintenance of the means of radiation protection of the sources of ionizing radiation (generating)

License for accommodation and technical maintenance of the sources of ionizing radiation for medical purposes

License for maintenance of radiation sources in the aspect of carrying out he works and servicing for exploiting organizations

Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion for performing activities in the area of handling radioactive substances

Sanitary and epidemiologic conclusion for operation conditions related to the use of the sources of ionizing radiation. Radiation sources involved: X-ray medical apparatuses, gamma therapeutic apparatuses, X-ray devices for technical and technological control (devices for luggage and merchandise examination)

Sanitary and epidemiologic conclusion for operation conditions related to the use of the sources of ionizing radiation. Radiation sources involved: apparatuses for radiation therapy (accelerators of charged particles)

Certificate for the state of measurements in the Calibration Dosimetric Laboratory of Sibmer Co Ltd

Attestation of accrediation in the provision of uniformity of measurements

Attestation of accrediation of testing laboratory

Certificate of Compliance